IP Minimalism

Open access, copyright minimalism, free software, open knowledge, libre, common content, etc.

See also the IP Minimalist Community

Only Libre Resources


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  • Against MonopolyA blog on intellectual property.
  • Australian Digital AllianceAn Australian body providing a 'balanced voice' in copyright discussions.
  • Authors Alliance'The Authors Alliance embraces the unprecedented potential digital networks have for the creation and distribution of knowledge and culture. We represent the interests of authors who want to harness this potential to share their creations more broadly in order to serve the public good.'
  • Center for the Study of Innovative FreedomAnti-IP libertarian blog from Stephen Kinsella.
  • Center For The Study Of The Public DomainA center at Duke Law School.
  • Communia'The Association’s mission is to educate about, advocate for, offer expertise and research about the public domain in the digital age within society and with policy-makers.'
  • Comunes'Comunes is a non-profit collective dedicated to facilitating the use of free/libre web tools and resources to collectives and activists alike, with the hopes of encouraging the Commons.'
  • CopySouth Research GroupA group of researchers seeking to reveal the negative impact of copyright on the Global South.
  • CreationistasA lobbying site in favour of fair use.
  • Creative CommonsA non-profit organisation devoted to increasing the number of works available for all to share and adapt.
  • David Bollier"David Bollier is a journalist, activist, and longtime scholar of the commons."
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation'Defending your rights in the digital world'
  • Greg LondonA programmer, science fiction author and copyright minimalist.
  • iCommons"iCommons is a registered UK charity that promotes collaboration among proponents of open education, access to knowledge, free software, open access publishing and free culture communities around the world."
  • La Quadrature du Net'La Quadrature du Net is an advocacy group defending the rights and freedoms of citizens on the Internet.'
  • Lawrence LiangA lawyer.
  • Nicky CaseA programmer.
  • Open Knowledge Foundation'We build tools and communities to promote open knowledge around the world.'
  • Open Library of the Humanities'Welcome to the initial ideas hub for the Open LIbrary of Humanities (OLH): a project exploring a PLOS-style model for the humanities and social sciences.'
  • Open Policy Network'The mission of the Open Policy Network is to foster the creation, adoption and implementation of open policies and practices that advance the public good by supporting open policy advocates, organizations and policy makers, connecting open policy opportunities with assistance, and sharing open policy information.'
  • opensource.com"At opensource.com, we want to show you the places where the open source way is multiplying ideas and effort, even beyond technology."
  • Public KnowledgePreserves 'the openness of the Internet and the public's access to knowledge, promotes creativity through balanced copyright, and upholds and protects the rights of consumers to use innovative technology lawfully.'
  • QuestionCopyright.orgAn advocacy group for copyright reform.
  • Simone AliprandiA researcher into copyright.
  • Software Freedom Conservancy'Software Freedom Conservancy is a not-for-profit organization that helps promote, improve, develop, and defend Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects.'
  • SPARC'[A]n international alliance of academic and research libraries working to correct imbalances in the scholarly publishing system.'
  • Stephen KinsellaAn anti-IP libertarian writer and lawyer.

All Shareable Resources



  • Against MonopolyA blog on intellectual property.
  • Australian Digital AllianceAn Australian body providing a 'balanced voice' in copyright discussions.
  • Authors Alliance'The Authors Alliance embraces the unprecedented potential digital networks have for the creation and distribution of knowledge and culture. We represent the interests of authors who want to harness this potential to share their creations more broadly in order to serve the public good.'
  • Center for the Study of Innovative FreedomAnti-IP libertarian blog from Stephen Kinsella.
  • Center For The Study Of The Public DomainA center at Duke Law School.
  • Communia'The Association’s mission is to educate about, advocate for, offer expertise and research about the public domain in the digital age within society and with policy-makers.'
  • Comunes'Comunes is a non-profit collective dedicated to facilitating the use of free/libre web tools and resources to collectives and activists alike, with the hopes of encouraging the Commons.'
  • CopySouth Research GroupA group of researchers seeking to reveal the negative impact of copyright on the Global South.
  • CreationistasA lobbying site in favour of fair use.
  • Creative CommonsA non-profit organisation devoted to increasing the number of works available for all to share and adapt.
  • David Bollier"David Bollier is a journalist, activist, and longtime scholar of the commons."
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation'Defending your rights in the digital world'
  • Greg LondonA programmer, science fiction author and copyright minimalist.
  • iCommons"iCommons is a registered UK charity that promotes collaboration among proponents of open education, access to knowledge, free software, open access publishing and free culture communities around the world."
  • La Quadrature du Net'La Quadrature du Net is an advocacy group defending the rights and freedoms of citizens on the Internet.'
  • Larry LessigFounder of Creative Commons.
  • Lawrence LiangA lawyer.
  • Nicky CaseA programmer.
  • Open Knowledge Foundation'We build tools and communities to promote open knowledge around the world.'
  • Open Library of the Humanities'Welcome to the initial ideas hub for the Open LIbrary of Humanities (OLH): a project exploring a PLOS-style model for the humanities and social sciences.'
  • Open Policy Network'The mission of the Open Policy Network is to foster the creation, adoption and implementation of open policies and practices that advance the public good by supporting open policy advocates, organizations and policy makers, connecting open policy opportunities with assistance, and sharing open policy information.'
  • opensource.com"At opensource.com, we want to show you the places where the open source way is multiplying ideas and effort, even beyond technology."
  • Public KnowledgePreserves 'the openness of the Internet and the public's access to knowledge, promotes creativity through balanced copyright, and upholds and protects the rights of consumers to use innovative technology lawfully.'
  • QuestionCopyright.orgAn advocacy group for copyright reform.
  • Simone AliprandiA researcher into copyright.
  • Software Freedom Conservancy'Software Freedom Conservancy is a not-for-profit organization that helps promote, improve, develop, and defend Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects.'
  • SPARC'[A]n international alliance of academic and research libraries working to correct imbalances in the scholarly publishing system.'
  • Stephen KinsellaAn anti-IP libertarian writer and lawyer.
  • Yochai BenklerA professor of law and author of works on commons-based production.
Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License