1KM1KT A host of gratis role-playing games.
4uPress A crowdsourced newspaper/
500px A site for photographs.

Creative Commons licensed works sorted by licence

8in8 "8in8 - "tomorrow's supergroup, today" - is comprised of Ben Folds, Amanda Palmer, Neil Gaiman, and Damian Kulash."

Eight songs written in eight hours. (Well, six songs written in 12 hours).

Amanda Palmer has also released an album independently.

Aaron Pogue A fantasy author.

Two of Aaron Pogue's books—Taming Fire and The Dragonswarm—are CC0 licensed. The others remain all rights reserved.

Taming Fire
The Dragonswarm

Adapt A repository of Australian OER for Adaptation Studies.
Adobe An IT company.

So far, the only libre resources I know of from Apple are typefaces.

Aelius Blythe A fiction author.
Against Monopoly A blog on intellectual property.

David K Levine is a contributor.

Al Jazeera CC-licensed, media-quality footage.
Alderon's Tower Chris Gonnerman's website.
Alfonse Maria Mucha: The Complete Works A collection of artworks of the Art Nouveau artist.
Amagi Games A game company which publishes libre tabletop games and supplements.
Amanda Palmer A musician.
Animalball Partners A website that hosted tabletop games.
Appropedia A wiki to share designs of all sorts.
Arduino Embedded development platform
Argofox Royalty free music.
Art Passions Collections of public domain artworks by dead artists.
Artikid "[A]n Italian full-time web-developer, part-time illustrator and games geek."
AudioBooks by Audiobooks.
audionautix Free production music.
Australian Digital Alliance An Australian body providing a 'balanced voice' in copyright discussions.
Australian Electoral Commission The government body that supervises and manages elections.
Australian Government The government of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Austrian Government A government.
Authors Alliance 'The Authors Alliance embraces the unprecedented potential digital networks have for the creation and distribution of knowledge and culture. We represent the interests of authors who want to harness this potential to share their creations more broadly in order to serve the public good.'
Autodesk 'You can freely borrow from the Autodesk Help, Support and Video libraries to build a new learning experience for anyone with a particular need or interest.'
Bad Panda Records Weekly music.
Bandcamp Creative Commons-licensed albums.

Unfortunately, no way to sort by licence.

Barcelona Creative Commons Film Festival A CC film festival.
Bedroom Wall Press 'Designer of Hulks and Horrors, Heaven's Shadow, and Drums of War.'
Behance A site that hosts artists portfolios.
Ben Wright A designer of common content tabletop games.


Benjamin Rosenbaum A science fiction author.
Berengad Games A publisher of story games.
Berin Kinsman A game designer.
Beyond Belief Games Swords & Wizardry ports.
Bill Brown A designer and artist.
Bill Browne RPG creator.
Blambot Comic Fonts And Lettering A collection of fonts for indie comic books.
Blend Swap 'Proudly the greatest repository of open source blends on the Tubes.'

For the Blender program.

Blender Foundation Creators of the 3D graphics/video software Blender and films using Blender.

The Foundation develops the Blender software while the Institute creates other projects like videos and electronic games.

Bloomsbury Academic Non-fiction
Brad Sucks "a one man band with no fans"

Brad Sucks makes the full source of his songs available for remixing, sampling and the like.

Also available on Jamendo

Brazilian Government A government.
Breadpig A publisher.
Brent P Newhall A NASA web developer and game designer.
Brian Foo An artist.


British Government A government.


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