Libre works can be shared both in original form and after being adapted, though there may be some conditions on their use.
There are a number of different definitions of libre, including the Open Definition and the Definition of Free Cultural Works
No matter what the definition, libre content can be shared and adapted by any person for any purpose, including commercial purposes. The only requirements are minor, and include attribution (you need to give credit to those whose work you're using) and copyleft (if you use the content in your own work, your work has to be under the same licence as the content you use).
- Telgrathia ● A fantasy game based on Blackjack.
- Terms of Service; Didn't Read ● 'We are a user rights initiative to rate and label website terms & privacy policies, from very good to very bad.'
- Terror Of The Serpent Men ● Dan Dynamo - renowned pulp hero - is playing host to the gorgeous Princess Aphasia of the Venusians.
- Tex for the Impatient ● 'TeX for the Impatient is a ~350 page book on TeX, plain TeX, and Eplain, written by Paul Abrahams, Kathryn Hargreaves, and Karl Berry.'
- The 52 Pages ● An old school tabletop RPG with each concept explained on one page.
- The Adventures of Boris Munchausen ● A movie animated by 12-15 year olds.
- The Age of Shadow ● A role-playing game designed for one of the most popular fantasy trilogies of all time.
- The Beggar's Opera ● An 18th Century ballad opera.
- The Big Brown Book ● A take on 0E D&D that avoids using d20s altogether.
- The Camera Collection ● "A collection of 100 pixelated camera illustrations for anybody to download and use in whatever way they see fit."
- The Carnival of Dreams ● A Swords Without Master adventure.
- The Case for Copyright Reform ● "The book is a compilation of the strongest articles on reform of the copyright monopoly from Christian Engström (MEP) and [Rick Falkvinge]"
- The Castle Doctrine ● 'a massively-multiplayer game of burglary and home defense'
- The Classic Short Story, 1870-1925: Theory Of A Genre ● 'In this challenging and far-reaching study, Goyet looks at classic short stories in the context in which they were read at the time: cheap newspapers and higher-end periodicals.'
- The Collected Writings of Jeremy Kellerman Volume One ● '""The Jeremy Kellerman Blog!" was created in February of 2011 as an outlet for the writings of Michigan-based creative genius and self-help guru Jeremy Kellerman and his associates.'
- The Democracy of Objects ● 'Since Kant, philosophy has been obsessed with epistemological questions pertaining to the relationship between mind and world and human access to objects. In The Democracy of Objects, Bryant proposes that we break with this tradition and once again initiate the project of ontology as first philosophy.'
- The Devil, John Moulton ● 'The Devil, John Moulton is a game about demon summoning outlaws in the American old west.'
- The Digital Public Domain ● "[T]he authors argue that the Public Domain — that is, the informational works owned by all of us, be that literature, music, the output of scientific research, educational material or public sector information — is fundamental to a healthy society."
- The Dreaming Crucible ● A story about troubled adolescents travelling to Faerie.
- The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight it ● A political satire about the situation that used to prevail in the Israeli-Lebanese boder.
- The Far Towers ● Play travelling enforcers and heroes putting wrongs to right.
- The Fifth World ● %%form_data{intro}%%
- The Fifth World ● Humans after civilisation - a tabletop roleplaying game that has been extensively revised.
- The Foundations for an Open Source City ● A book about how Raleigh, North Carolina became an 'open source city'.
- The GAME System ● The Generic Action Mediation System is designed to give players flexibility in the powers they design.
- The GNU C Programming Tutorial ● "This book is a tutorial for the computer programming language C."
- The Green ● A Donjon supplement by Valent Games.
- The Lands of the Dead ● 'This [Dungeon World] supplement is a resource to help you and your players create interesting, exciting, mysterious and dangerous lives after death.'
- The Later Blue Book of Amaxathroth the Cursed ● A Sorcerer supplement.
- The Liberate Pixil Cup Quest ● A game where you fight monsters.
- The Libre Labyrinth ● "Navigating the Maze of Free and NonFree Licenses"
- The Logic of Tales & Dreams ● Once upon a time, there was a writer who wrote a story game that doesn't exist. This is that game.
- The Modern Path ● A tabletop RPG.
- The New Birthday Song Contest ● 'WFMU and the Free Music Archive challenged songwriters everywhere to unseat “Happy Birthday to You” from it’s cultural throne by composing possible replacements. Here are the winners.'
- The Open Book ● 'The Open Book is a crowdsourced publication that introduces the global movement for open knowledge in the words of those who are helping to build it today.'
- The Open Game Art Bundle ● 'We're the people behind some of the most popular web games. The web is meant to be an open landscape; being in this bundle is how we choose to honor this.'
- The Open Source Way ● A book about open source projects.
- The Open Utopia ● An open content take on Thomas More's Utopia.
- The OpenPhoto Project ● Cloud-based storage for your photos on other sites.
- The Ouroboros Cycle ● Books about roleplaying, ranging from general advice to specific settings.
- The Peeragogy Handbook ● 'The Handbook is the world’s first book to present Peeragogy, a synthesis of techniques for collaborative learning and collaborative work.'
- The Penthouse ● A Fiasco playset.
- The Plant ● A solo RPG where you play someone crawling around the innards of a power plant.
- The Power of Open ● A book from Creative Commons about how those licences have been used in various projects.
- The Psychology of Emotions, Feelings and Thoughts ● "This book makes the statement that thought, action and feeling can occur in any order, it also puts forth the idea that life is divided into three groups, emotion, thinking, and feeling."
- The Python Game Book ● What it says in the title.
- The Shackled Self ● A game of princes who pursue asceticism to save the world.
- The Shrouded Lands ● A fantasy setting.
- The Simple Game System ● A simple and generic rules-system based on d6s.
- The Social Media Reader ● 'Culling a broad range and incorporating different styles of scholarship from foundational pieces and published articles to unpublished pieces, journalistic accounts, personal narratives from blogs, and whitepapers, The Social Media Reader promises to be an essential text, with contributions from Lawrence Lessig, Henry Jenkins, Clay Shirky, Tim O'Reilly, Chris Anderson, Yochai Benkler, danah boyd, and Fred von Loehmann, to name a few.'
- Thingiverse ● Designs for 3D printers.
- Traficantes de Sueños ● A Spanish book publisher.
- Twine Games ● Online choose your own adventure games.
- Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase ● Free culture that has been chosen by the Ubuntu community.
- Uncensored Interview ● Interviews
- (un)Common Adventure Gallery ● Collection of free-to-publish genre illustrations.
- ● A project to crowdfund the application of Creative Commons licensing
- (un)Playable_G4mes ● 'Where game ideas come to die'
- Unseen Studio ● 'Unseen Studio is a small podcast network promoting Creative Commons culture and Open Source software. We currently have 3 podcasts; CCJam, Crivins and TuxJam.'
- Unsplash ● "Free high-resolution stock photos"
- ● A collection of scanned journal articles.
- US Government ● The source of a tremendous amount of public domain works.
- Valentin Champer ● A poet.
- Vimeo ● A video-hosting site.
- Vimeo ● You can search Vimeo by Creative Commons licence.
- Wellcome Images ● ' Thousands of years of visual culture made free through Wellcome Images'
- White House ● The website of the President of the United States.
- Wikidata ● 'Wikidata is a free knowledge base that can be read and edited by humans and machines alike.'
- Wikimedia Foundation ● A free culture project that gathers a number of wikis.
- Wikinews ● "The Wikinews project is a free content news source of the Wikimedia Foundation that seeks to provide content, free of charge, where everyone is invited to contribute reports about events large and small, either from direct experience, or summarized from elsewhere."
- Wikipedia List of Game Engines ● A list of game engines on Wikipedia.
- Wiley Open Access ● A variety of journals published by Wiley.
- Wizards of the Coast ● A game publisher.
- World Bank Open Knowledge Repository ● "The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products."
- WPClipart ● A collection of public domain clipart.
- Yanone ● A young German jack-of-all-trades.
- YouTube ● A video site.
- Zadkiel ● 'Zadkiel are three piece Alternative-Rock/Indie band from Nottingham.'
- Zenhabits ● 'Zen Habits is about finding simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives.'
- zero-project ● A collection of musical compositions, audiobooks and songs.
- Basic Dungeons & Dragons ● The mechanics of original and basic D&D.
- @ccess ● An OKFN project to encourage libre open access.
- CC-PRO ● A rebranding of the CC BY-SA licence to emphasise its value to professionals.
- d20 System ● The roleplaying system which first appeared in Dungeons & Dragons 3E.
- FATE ● A game system based on the mechanic: dice roll + invoked and tagged Aspects.
- Liberated Pixel Cup ● "Liberated Pixel Cup is a two-part competition: make a bunch of awesome free culture licensed artwork, and then program a bunch of free software games that use it."
- LibrePlanet Gaming Collective ● The LibrePlanet Gaming Collective is a group of free software activists organized around their enthusiasm for video games.
- Rusałka ● A "GMless game of tragic fairy tales"
- Saga Machine ● 'Saga Machine is a brand new tabletop role-playing system by the Tab Creations Collective.'
- The First 100 Days of Government ● The Abbott Liberal Government's assessment of what it has achieved in its first 100 days.
- The Public Domain Game Jam ● A competition to create a game inspired by the public domain.
- The Public Domain Manifesto ● A statement on the value of the public domain.
- Who Needs Access? You Need Access ● An OKFN project to increase open access.