An intricate and lengthy RPG of dark fantasy.
Categories and types
Tabletop Game (RPG)
Own licence (Noncommercial; the Dark Fantasy Core Set is public domain
Lost Souls Publishing
Dark Fantasy Core Set, the rules without the flavour.
Locally hosted backups: unknown early version issued under the original Copywrong.
The work was initially published under the 'original' copywrong licence (a "copylefted" licence that allowed "print reproduction" potentially implying commercial redistribution). It was then reissued under the new Copywrong dual licence consisting of the Midian Open Content License (for non-commercial use) and the Lost Souls Charityware License (for commercial use). The MOCL (Midian Open Content Licence) constitutes CC-BY-SA-NC 3.0 along with a trademark licence. The LSCL (Lost Souls Charityware License) allows the work to be used commercially if some form of donation of time or money is given to the community. It suggests 5% of net profits or 20 hours of work.
The Dark Fantasy Core Set is in the public domain.
The licence is detailed here.